Sunday, February 3, 2013

Captains Log 2013.02.03 – Being Officer for the Kronnish Pirates

Greetings mates,

This post is dedicated to Heat, a former member of the Kronnish Pirates[AG] and to all new Officers.

As you might know, the game LoTS has 4 permission ranks, that in our case resolve in the following way:

Leader: The captain, can do it all.
Officer: Can Summon Enemies, Change Announcement and Remove Tactics
Soldier: Change Announcement & Remove Tactic
Member: Can play, and rise in ranks.

But what means to be an Officer, well to be an officer in an Alliance like ours that exist in multiple platforms (Facebook, Kongregate and Armor Games – currently we do not have our alliance on Newgrounds) means that the player that’s promoted to that rank has the privilege and obligation to summon raids when the Leader (the Captain) is unavailable. Plus he should also try to recruit new members and answer some questions regarding the game to the rest of the crew. But primarily his job is to have fun.

To try to explain that let me tell the tale of the creation of the Kronnish Pirates more than two years ago…

We had a group of friends, some on real life others though the internet that played a game called, but unfortunately the company that created the game was acquired by Zynga and the game was closed. Us that had a short of alliance there decided to recreate the fun that we had by creating our alliance here, so we tried to mimic our activities in LoTS as we had in Duels, by creating new characters in this strange new settings (duels had a fantasy setting and Lots has a sci-fi one), and we had also some ideas that we wanted to reproduce like a print and play game and some fictions with the origins of our characters. Both of those ideas didn't come true, due to life restrictions.

But we had the idea, so to us no matter if you cannot play every day, as long as you get to plunder some loot from raids and enjoy your stay here, we accepted all players levels. And that was, is and will always be, our deal with this alliance of ours. We aren't trying to be some bad arses alliance, nor be the better one. We just wanna enjoy this game that gave us a lot over the years, from friends to small pleasures like getting a cool item to equip our character. And that will not change.

Our funding members:
·         Lemuel Nero – (Lemuel) Nero
·         Americo Silva - Geordi (Burns)
·         Isilme Nero – Irina (Nero)
·         Melissa Mey - Kahoru
·         Hugo Ferreira - Lemuel (Ogada)
·         Miguel Gaspar – Liane (O’Hara)
·         Nill Kob - Nill_Kob
·         Alexander Kaelin - Selena
·         Leonor Gaspar - Triny (O’Hara)
·         John Spectree - Xian (Moritas)
·         Anthony Naga - Nakano
·         Hugo Gaspar – Jack

Unfortunately for personal reasons most of our founding members do not play anymore, but they gave us the permission to use their characters names, so you will find some of the original characters on Kongregate, Armor Games and Newgroups.

As you know we can’t live in the past so we’re proud to introduce the world our 3 new additions to the Officer rank:
·         Lionara [FB]
·         Amuad [FB]
·         Killerj4ke [KONG]

Congrat them mates. So our Officer list currently goes by:

On [FB]:
Nero [Leader]
Solfire [Retired]
Porus [Retired]
mort [Retired]
pigatwar [Retired]
Porus I [Retired]

On [KONG]:
Torias [Leader]
Olisipo [Retired]
Nill [Retired]
Xian [Retired]
Kahoru [Retired]

On [AG]:
Lyla [Leader]
Georgi_Burns [Retired]
Irina [Retired]
Jack [Retired]
Lemuel_Ogada [Retired]

But we also have a huge request to make, as we currently need more playing crew on Kongregate and on Armor Games, we’re gonna promote to Officer all Facebook Members (or from any other platform) that are willing to help us on those two platforms. Meaning that if an existing member wants to create his character or a brand new one on another platform, just drop us a line and we will automatically promote him to Officer on the new platform. Plus we will gain some internal credits that will allow him to gain ranks within.

Thank you mates, for keep this adventure on and I congrat the ones that managed to read this long post.

Captain Lemuel Nero

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