Monday, January 14, 2013

Captain's Log 2013.01.14

Greetings Mates,

We just want to inform that we updated our site with a ton of new stuff, and removed a lot of old stuff.

First we created a functional sidebar with direct links for our Alliance on all the current platforms Facebook, Kongregate & Armor Games, sorry Newgrounds users, but we do not have our Kronnish Pirates there, yet. Plus we also added links for our Facebook page & Groups (our old one created by us, and a newer one created by 5th Planet LoTS application), links for our presence on the Official forums and a much important and appreciated link for the unofficial Wiki in order to see a lot of cool stuff (Raids stats).

On the main tabs, you'll find two new features - the Recruit Center & Gamebattles. One for members to post their Fleet requests and the other to post the Raid help requests. This way no matter your platform you can summon your mates to help you.

We also added the Halls of Fame for the current platforms showcasing the pics of all members, past and present. With the exception of the Facebook Hall of Fame, that we could not finish in time for this post as we have more than 80 members (past and present) , and we did not had the time to edit all the members pics. And we have updated our About Us in order to give you an e-mail for the questions/suggestions/critics that you might not wanna go public.

We also wanna to thanks the new blood that we gained with the merge of the Facebook Alliance Dominion with ours, their members are giving our Facebook crew a breath of live and we're going after the Nightmare Raids, an achievement that we could reach for some time.

Now it's time for a little plunder, so here you have the first of many (we hope) Kronnish Pirates Wallpapers:
(Click to save as)

Also, I would like to do a Call of Arms, to all of you that play on Kongregate and Armor Games, as our Alliance there are running very slow, so the more firepower we get, the merrier.

But that's all for now mates, I hope you keep up enjoying being in our crew.
Captain Lemuel Nero [Facebook]
Captain Torias Odgen [Kongregate]
Captain Lyla Bennett [Armor Games]

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy new year!!!

Happy 2013 mates, our resolutions are simple, have a great year, with a lot of loot and fun with LoTS and with the Kronnish Pirates.